How To Remove Kmspico After Energizing: A Safe Guide

KMSPico is a popular tool used to spark Microsoft products like Windows and Office for free. It works by emulating a Key Management Service(KMS) server on your machine to actuate the software, bypassing the need for legitimate product keys. However, once you've treated your software program, you might want to remove KMSPico for security and performance reasons. In this steer, we'll walk you through the work on of safely removing KMSPico after activating.

Why Should You Remove KMSPico?

While KMSPico can be a accessible solution for activation Microsoft products without a unexpired key, it comes with several risks:

  1. Security Risks: Since KMSPico is often downloaded from unconfirmed sources, it may come bundled with malware or other unwanted computer software.
  2. Legal Concerns: Using KMSPico to touch of software program without buying a legalise certify can infract Microsoft's price of serve.
  3. Performance Issues: Having inessential software running in the play down can involve system performance.
  4. Updates and Support: Removing KMSPico ensures you're able to update your Microsoft products and welcome functionary subscribe from Microsoft.

How to Safely Remove After Activation

Here’s a step-by-step steer on how to safely remove KMSPico from your system:

Step 1: Disable KMSPico Activation

Before removing KMSPico, insure that your activation is no longer active, so the software system doesn’t try to re-activate itself or your Microsoft products.

  1. Open the,nd Prompt as Administrator:
    • Press Windows X and take,nd Prompt(Admin) or Windows PowerShell(Admin).
  2. Deactivate the Software:
    • Type the following command to deactivate Windows or Office:
      • For Windows: slmgr.vbs upk
      • For Office: cscript ospp.vbs unpkey:<product-key>
    • This will uninstall the production key from your system and handicap KMS activating.

Step 2: Remove KMSPico Using Control Panel

After deactivating the package, you can proceed with removing KMSPico like any other programme.

  1. Open the Control Panel:
    • Press Windows R, type verify, and press Enter.
  2. Uninstall a Program:
    • Navigate to Programs > Programs and Features.
  3. Find and Uninstall KMSPico:
    • Scroll through the list of installed programs and find KMSPico.
    • Right-click on KMSPico and take Uninstall.
    • Follow the on-screen prompts to nail the uninstallation process.

Step 3: Remove Any Leftover Files and Registry Entries

KMSPico may lead residue files and registry entries behind after uninstallation. These can pose a surety risk or cause performance issues. Here’s how to strip up your system:

  1. Delete Leftover Files:
    • Navigate to the booklet where KMSPico was installed(usually C: Program Files KMSPico) and manually delete any leftover files.
  2. Clean the Registry:
    • Press Windows R, type regedit, and weight-lift Enter to open the Registry Editor.
    • Navigate to the following directories and look for any KMSPico-related entries:
      • HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software
      • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Uninstall
    • Be very timid when editing the registry, as deleting the wrong entries can harm your system. Only erase entries connate to KMSPico.

Step 4: Run Antivirus and Antimalware Software

Since KMSPico is often downloaded from untrusted sources, it’s a good idea to run a scan with an antivirus or antimalware program to insure your system of rules is free from any potentiality threats.

  • Open your antivirus programme(or use Windows Defender) and run a full system of rules scan.
  • Additionally, consider using a tool like Malwarebytes for a more thorough scan for any remainder malware or adware that may have been bundled with KMSPico.

Step 5: Restart Your System

Once you've uninstalled KMSPico and cleansed up any leftover files and register entries, resume your electronic computer to check all changes take effectuate and that the system of rules is track smoothly.

Step 6: Verify Activation

Finally, you should check if your Microsoft products are still treated or if they require a valid licence. You can verify your activating position:

  • For Windows:
    • Open the,nd Prompt and type slmgr.vbs dli to display your activation status.
  • For Office:
    • Open the,nd Prompt, navigate to the Office booklet, and type cscript ospp.vbs dstatus to the energizing position.

If your software program is no longer activated, you’ll need to buy in a legalise production key and activate it through the functionary Microsoft channels.


Removing KMSPico after activating is an world-shattering step to check the surety, legality, and performance of your system of rules. By following the stairs outlined in this steer, you can safely uninstall KMSPico and clean up any residuum files or registry entries. It’s always a good idea to swap to a legitimate product key to stay compliant with Microsoft’s terms and to welcome official subscribe and updates.

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